Monday, February 24, 2014

Health is so much more than healthcare . . . Community Health Improvement Plan update

Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) is excited to have submitted its preliminary community health improvement plan to the State Board of Health and to make it available to the residents and visitors of Jefferson County. The preliminary plan meets the requirements of Senate Bill 194, the Colorado Public Health Reauthorization Act, which directs all local health departments in Colorado to develop a health improvement plan every five years.

For JCPH, the completion of the preliminary community health improvement plan is also the beginning of a multi-year action plan to increase access to healthy food and physical activity while also reducing psychosocial stressors in our county. We know our goal and our target audience (lov-income children ages 0-18), now we hope to involve as many residents and stakeholders as possible to agree upon best strategies and implementation. Receive updates and quarterly meeting requests by contacting Erika Jermé at or 303-271-5737.

For more information, visit

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