"Some people who talk about the environment talk about it as though it
involves only a question of clean air and clean water. The environment involves
the whole broad spectrum of man's relationship to all other living creatures,
including other human beings. It involves the environment in its broadest and
deepest sense.”
- Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day
- Gaylord Nelson, Founder of Earth Day
Public Health is all about preventing illness and disease in our communities and while April 22, 2015, is reserved as Earth Day, every day is earth day at Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH). Creating healthier communities involves taking a close look at what makes us healthy or sick to begin with. The Jefferson County Public Health 2013 annual report highlights some of the work we are continually doing to improve health for everyone in the county. A report released in 2014 by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Time to Act: investing in the Health of our Children and Communities urges that we integrate health into community development, especially for low-income neighborhoods. JCPH is committed to working with agencies, businesses and the community towards creating a healthier county for all to live, work, play and age.
Jefferson County Public Health's Environmental Health Services (EHS) works to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling harmful environmental factors in Jefferson County. EHS prevents, investigates and responds to health threats in the County from environmental sources such as our air, land, water, the food we eat and the domestic and wild animals and insects we encounter. EHS also inspects facilities including schools, daycares and restaurants for adherence to public health safety and disease control measures. Information, resources and referrals are available from specialists in water quality, air quality, consumer protection and environmental protection.
Resources and services include, but are not limited to, the following topics; air pollution, water pollution, individual sewage disposal systems, solid waste, drinking water, food borne illnesses, food service inspections, child care inspections, recycling and radon mitigation. For more information on any environmental health service, please call 303-232-6301, or visit the JCPH EHS web page.
Every division in Jefferson County, including the health department, practices environmental stewardship through reuse, recycling, energy conservation, and water conservation. These actions are good for people and the planet. Everyone has a role in protecting our earth and natural resources. Consider bringing your own shopping bag to the store, recycling household hazardous waste as well as other household items, using water thoughtfully and saving energy when possible. Together we can make a difference.
Learn more about Earth Day and its founder, Senator Gaylord Nelson. Earth Day . . . The making of the modern environmental movement. www.nelsonearthday.net Accessibility on the web continues a Gaylord Nelson focus of making environmental knowledge freely available to all citizens so that local and national decisions could be informed, collaborative, and effective.
- Visit the JCPH web page for more information on Environmental Health Services
- View the JCPH recycling resource page
- Check out the Denver Post’s listings of Earth Day Events
- Visit Rooney Road Recycling