Monday, February 24, 2014

Get ACTIVE . . . Regular physical activity can help lower blood pressure and improve health

Products that claim to lower blood pressure and cholesterol may or may not work, but regular physical activity has been proven to prevent and control these conditions. Just 30 minutes a day is enough to make your heart more efficient at pumping blood, and when your heart is better at pumping blood your blood pressure will decrease. Moderate to vigorous physical activity also lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol, and raises HDL (good) cholesterol. If 30 minutes at a time is too much, you can break it up and do 10 minutes at a time throughout your day.  Kids need at least 60 minutes of active and vigorous play each day to stay healthy, and one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to meet this goal is by playing outside.  Jefferson County partners with Jeffco Open Space to encourage physical activity.

Check out the Open Space Parks and trails web page
View the national Let’s Move web site.

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